Sep 17, 2013


In the city of bliss!!!
Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple
 Location : Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Built in the 16th century by the kings of the then Kingdom of Travancore.

On the way to the temple...

Road to East Nada; East Gopuram also seen

I was pretty lucky to visit the place a couple of months back and was amused to see the aesthetics there. As I have not visited any of the wonders of the world in real, this happen to be a real wonder for my eyes.


In the road side ...


No need of any caption or foot notes i think, because these pictures will speak to you. These snaps are made from the shops laid on the roadside.

Though I am not that good in photography, am just trying to share some good moments I had. A special thanks for the shop keeper who allowed me to capture these for which I had to pay my ears. He was such a nonstop talker.


Approaching East nada

Standing on these steps, under the hot burning sun, i have spent hours watching the beauty of the sculptures.I was almost fully tanned when my family people found me after the trip.!!!



sculpture on the gopuram,east nada

Magnified view of the above picture
Finer are the sculptures, even the minute details of human figures, animals are obvious and cannot be described by a human tongue.. I wonder, what a talented, hard working and patient sculptors were they.

History : Foundation laid in 1566.
              It is a 100 foot, seven -tier gopuram
              Architectural style: Dravidian architecture
NB: It is recorded that 4000 sculptors, 6000 labourers and 100 elephants worked for a period of 6 months to finish the construction of the sreebalippura (the oblong corridor) and was during this period the gopuram was also made.


Temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu(Sree Padmanabha). Sree Padmanabha lies on the five hooded serpent (Anantha) with the right hand on Shiva lingam and Brahma seated on the lotus emerges from the navel of the Lord. Deity being another beautiful depiction of history and creativity .

image taken from here

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"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."
--Oprah Winfrey

Some snaps of "yesterday" is uploading...

After a long time, we had the real pleasure of onam, when we plucked them out from the fields....
Got a little bit of childishness in the head.!!!

"Pookkalam"- © sruthi
 "Pookkalam" is done, smaller and indeed a good job. This has been made after a group effort of many little hands and were really happy when a special appreciation was received from "Onathappan" .

"Onathappan- © sruthi"

"Onathappan", symbolic of Maveli, appears on the day of uthradom or thiruvonam in Malabar areas to offer blessings. The red attire, bell ,"olakkuda" are his specialities and is the hero of the day.!!!
It's sepia tinted everywhere...going to be dusky. Celebrations and games are all over. Corridor still smells flowers and pookkalam look afresh. But it’s time to depart with the memories of togetherness. Senses were filled with colorful feast; jokes which made us to laugh out loudly, shopping and new dresses, home visits, evening walks together, gossiping before TV, pampers and fights… Everything is going to its end, because they are leaving. House is been calm and silent as before, and the clock ticks are well heard. 

Holidays are over, now back to books. Longing for another onam, let it fall soon.

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Sep 14, 2013

6WS (5)

 Feeling confused and absolutely doing nothing


image taken from here

When I was busy with exams last week, I had planned to do this and that during the coming holidays. But, when its holiday time, I actually don’t know what to do and is simply doing nothing.
When I feel like clicking some snaps, my camera is out of order. Strip of lens is damaged and is taken away to repair.
When I wanted to hear some music, my player (memory card) is infected with virus. So I can’t even listen to.
When I think of blogging, I can’t do it also, because it ache my wrist and eyes. Disinterest for movies too.
At last, I decided to spend my time with sisters, but they have got many home works and so, they are busy.
Finally, I went for sleeping, but some music concert nearby polluting the air and I can’t bring my sleep on the way.
Now, what to do???????  A week is being taken away..!!!!!

 Does this look like fun? Now try to sum up your week in just 6 words and play along.Click on the button above and check out other six word saturday too :)

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