Dec 16, 2012

Weeping WilloW

image taken from here
If u weeps before 'someone', it does not mean that you are so ill hearted. But rather, I believe it’s because ‘someone’ is so special - the selected one, much closer and is the one you trust very well. As far as i am concerned, someone can be my family or best friend. This could be the reason why little kids cry before everyone as all are very special for them till their brain grows to distinguish between. A drop of tear is being very special here. Saving or being saved for someone only. I wonder because eyes could choose them when our self cant.
acrylic on canvas- see more here
Being shameless before 'someone', tears roll down through the cheeks, collecting at the curves and falling down to the hell taking away those reasons with them. And if someday, somewhere, someone is going to be 'you' means be proud because the other have chosen you or to be more clearer, they trust you.Be their warmth and wipe out their reasons because they believe that you could gift them a smile in the end.They worth you a lot and this is where relations are truly meant.

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  1. True true true......... :)

  2. i cant agree more that tears roll down for special people and on special occasions. also its possible to make a retrospective diagnosis of how special one was or something was , if you cry on missing them or losing...tears may roll out even after most awaited victories , unprecedented losses , for an act of kindness or selfless love....i think i have experienced all of these ...
    Some say men don't cry , but i think thats not true ....that maybe part of arrogant attitude that many people boast about..but even such arrogant men started accepting that they cry on seeing James Bond cry in Skyfall... :p :)


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